[Xmltv-devel] [xmltv-users] tv_gran_no_gfeed-not working
Nick Morrott
2016-03-15 02:01:51 UTC
On 21 December 2015 at 12:10, Christian Wattengård
I stopped managing the norwegian grabber quite a while a go. Joakim Nylén
took over most of the data.
I think he has started something new now. Try www.xmltv.se. I think the new
grabber is tv_grab_eu_dotmedia
CC'd to xmltv-dev

I'm wondering if no_gfeed should be disabled permanently in the XMLTV config?

The nightly validator hasn't had a successful run since 2015-10-28 and
data.epg.no is offline. xmltv.se returns a default Debian/nginx
landing page.

Does anyone have any information about its status going forwards?

