1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
That's true, but the listchannels_sub requires $conf and $opt
Options.pm l489
if( $opt->{"list-channels"} )
if( not defined( $conf ) )
print STDERR "You need to configure the grabber before you can list =
" .
"the channels.\n";
exit 1;
print &{$p->{listchannels_sub}}($conf,$opt);=09
exit 0;
So it seems the scenario is:
1) Use --list-lineups (if applicable) to view the possible lineups
2) Run --configure (which calls "listchannels_sub" in its =
"select-channels" stage)
3) Run --list-channels (which calls "listchannels_sub" (again) with the =
output from (2))
The use case for list-channels would then be to get an xml file of all =
possible channels, for some purpose. (Presumably to populate the DVR's =
channels' list)=20
Options.pm also has this to say:
=3Ditem listchannels_sub
Required. A coderef that takes a configuration
hash as returned by XMLTV::Configure::LoadConfig as the first parameter
and an option hash as returned by
ParseOptions as the second parameter, and returns an xml-string
containing a list of all the channels that the grabber can deliver
data for using the supplied configuration. Note that the listsub
shall not use any channel-configuration from the hashref.
So my reading of that is: using any region or other config data stored in=
the config-file, get a fresh list of all available channels (i.e. don't =
use the channels stored in the config file itself).
Yes you're right - I was really thinking about the situation with Atlas, =
where you actually select "platform" + "region". (So lineup =3D platform=
+ region.) I thought it would be confusing to bring platform into the =
discussion but I only made worse by its omission :)
With Atlas you select the platform (e.g. Sky, Freeview, Freesat, etc) and=
then the region for that platform. It's true that once you've selected =
your platform you shouldn't need to change it, so I think this is a =
non-issue really (other than it complicates my --configure code).
Options.pm l489
if( $opt->{"list-channels"} )
if( not defined( $conf ) )
print STDERR "You need to configure the grabber before you can list =
" .
"the channels.\n";
exit 1;
print &{$p->{listchannels_sub}}($conf,$opt);=09
exit 0;
So it seems the scenario is:
1) Use --list-lineups (if applicable) to view the possible lineups
2) Run --configure (which calls "listchannels_sub" in its =
"select-channels" stage)
3) Run --list-channels (which calls "listchannels_sub" (again) with the =
output from (2))
The use case for list-channels would then be to get an xml file of all =
possible channels, for some purpose. (Presumably to populate the DVR's =
channels' list)=20
Options.pm also has this to say:
=3Ditem listchannels_sub
Required. A coderef that takes a configuration
hash as returned by XMLTV::Configure::LoadConfig as the first parameter
and an option hash as returned by
ParseOptions as the second parameter, and returns an xml-string
containing a list of all the channels that the grabber can deliver
data for using the supplied configuration. Note that the listsub
shall not use any channel-configuration from the hashref.
So my reading of that is: using any region or other config data stored in=
the config-file, get a fresh list of all available channels (i.e. don't =
use the channels stored in the config file itself).
I'm not sure if I understand the question with the other =
regions/lineups correctly.What good is the guide for a channel that is only available outside of =
your region?=20Yes you're right - I was really thinking about the situation with Atlas, =
where you actually select "platform" + "region". (So lineup =3D platform=
+ region.) I thought it would be confusing to bring platform into the =
discussion but I only made worse by its omission :)
With Atlas you select the platform (e.g. Sky, Freeview, Freesat, etc) and=
then the region for that platform. It's true that once you've selected =
your platform you shouldn't need to change it, so I think this is a =
non-issue really (other than it complicates my --configure code).