[Xmltv-devel] [ xmltv-Bugs-3474556 ] xmltv-0.5.61: tv_grab_fi_sv fails
Karl Dietz
2012-02-21 19:24:46 UTC
Comment By: Per Lundberg (perlundberg)
Date: 2012-02-03 11:30
You're actually right; I'm the original author and I'm not actively
maintaining the grabber any more (I don't even use it myself). I suggest
you try stefanb2:s advice. At the time when I was writing the grabber,
there were no sv-FI grabber available (not that I knew of anyway), but if
the times have changed now, maybe my grabber can be done away with, unless
anyone else wants to maintain it.
So, shall we send _fi_sv the way of the dodo. If so, how?
Can we just axe it?

