2014-12-09 11:45:47 UTC
Hi All,
Taking inspiration from the "fixup" code present in tv_grab_uk_rt, I've produced a standalone package to replicate the fixup functionality.
It allows anyone to take the output from any grabber and massage it according to a number of fixup rules.
I'd be grateful for any help with beta testing prior to releasing this into the wild. I've documented all the files so you should be able to work out what to do, and if you are familiar with the uk_rt grabber then it should be simples (since it uses the same data format; it was designed to be compatible with it).
The following files are in /beta on CVS:
tv_augment - script to take input xml and run the fixups
Augment.pm - package called by tv_augment
augment.conf - sample configuration file
augment.rules - sample rules file
see "perldoc -F tv_augment" and "perldoc -F Augment.pm" and the sample files for documentation.
Runtime compares favourably with the native tv_grab_uk_rt grabber (i.e. comparison of uk_rt with no fixups at all + tv_augment, versus uk_rt plus fixups).
Bug fixes, improvements, etc, welcomed.
Note if comparing the output with that from tv_grab_uk_rt, they may not be directly comparable since this package fixes a couple of minor bugs in the uk_rt fixup code, and also extends it so it caters better for data formats seen in grabbers for other countries (e.g. the way other websites specify series:episode information; use multiple categories; etc.)
Taking inspiration from the "fixup" code present in tv_grab_uk_rt, I've produced a standalone package to replicate the fixup functionality.
It allows anyone to take the output from any grabber and massage it according to a number of fixup rules.
I'd be grateful for any help with beta testing prior to releasing this into the wild. I've documented all the files so you should be able to work out what to do, and if you are familiar with the uk_rt grabber then it should be simples (since it uses the same data format; it was designed to be compatible with it).
The following files are in /beta on CVS:
tv_augment - script to take input xml and run the fixups
Augment.pm - package called by tv_augment
augment.conf - sample configuration file
augment.rules - sample rules file
see "perldoc -F tv_augment" and "perldoc -F Augment.pm" and the sample files for documentation.
Runtime compares favourably with the native tv_grab_uk_rt grabber (i.e. comparison of uk_rt with no fixups at all + tv_augment, versus uk_rt plus fixups).
Bug fixes, improvements, etc, welcomed.
Note if comparing the output with that from tv_grab_uk_rt, they may not be directly comparable since this package fixes a couple of minor bugs in the uk_rt fixup code, and also extends it so it caters better for data formats seen in grabbers for other countries (e.g. the way other websites specify series:episode information; use multiple categories; etc.)