[Xmltv-devel] Time for a release?
Nick Morrott
2010-08-10 18:17:13 UTC
With some required updates added to _uk_rt in the last few weeks, the
_in grabber nearing release and updates to some other grabbers, does
anyone feel it is time for a release? Is a release date of 21-22
August reasonable?

For any developers with grabbers that hardcode channel mappings into
the grabber script, it may be a good time to look into whether using
XMLTV::Supplement to provide the mappings in a separate file would
make it easier to keep the channel data up-to-date without requiring
updates to the grabber script itself.

Chris Butler has kindly taken over the task of the nightly grabber
validation testing from Mattias Holmlund, the results of which can now
be seen at http://debian.crustynet.org.uk/~xmltv-tester/sid/nightly/.
I'd also like to take the opportunity to thank Mattias for providing
the service in the past and for contributing the testing framework - I
know I've made good use of the information it provides over the last
few years.

Nick Morrott

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