1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Not specific to MythTV, and MythTV doesn't use them directly either.

They map XMLTV configuration information (details of a station's
listings) to the physical tuning/transmission details (e.g. Network
ID/Transport ID/Service ID for a DVB channel) and wrap these details
up into logical units which each represent an entry on a TV platform's

Think of it as "I want configuration details for all channels on the
UK Freeview (DVB-T) platform, to allow $PVR to automatically configure
its EPG to use XMLTV for listings data and to apply the configuration
against all channels found during a DVB-T scan."
--get-lineup is supposed to return one of a set of author-defined fixed f=
iles containing detailed channel descriptions. This seems to go beyond "de=
scribing TV listings" :(
Unfortunately, other than the .xsd, there is no definition of it anywhere=
. The only documentation - http://wiki.xmltv.org/index.php/Main_Page/lineup=
proposal.html - is dead. Other than the readme at Nick's github - https://g=
The only grabber using this is _uk_rt.

i) As the maintainer of _uk_rt I wanted an easy way to manage channel
availability in the grabber (this was before Metabroadcast came along
and started to provide some of the data the lineups use)
ii) I wanted an easy way to manage my PVR
iii) No-one else did anything to implement lineup support, however bad
the current implementation is. No-one has done anymore since either.
iv) Most XMLTV grabbers are not retrofitted with new features, and
most authors are not active on the discussion lists.
Nick - please can you help with what these files are about and how I go a=
bout creating them?

The schema is self-documenting. Mattias' and Ben's proposals describe
the basic intent. For examples, look at _uk_rt's Freeview/Virgin/Sky
_uk_rt lineups to understand what's in them.

In terms of generating them, I've used a script to assemble data from
several sources. It's not complicated.

