Robert Eden
2016-05-18 18:12:48 UTC
John was having problems sending to the lists, so I'll relay..
I don't know whether it should go into the Users or Developers list,
easy enough.. I'll send to both. :)Atlas API V3 no longer working - Breaks tv_grab_uk_atlas
As of this morning, calls to V3 of the Atlas API no longer work,
returning a 500 error (Even after checking my API key is valid & that
i've accepted the new T&Cs. However V4 does work.
Isn't it about time the Atlas grabber was migrated to V4 (and
soon-ish, given the RT feed is about to be switched off in a few weeks
too)? Currently that'll leave us with just the new SD_JSON grabber
(which from what i've seen isn't as thorough as the rt or Atlas
sources - they can't be using Press Association data, that's for sure...
RobertAs of this morning, calls to V3 of the Atlas API no longer work,
returning a 500 error (Even after checking my API key is valid & that
i've accepted the new T&Cs. However V4 does work.
Isn't it about time the Atlas grabber was migrated to V4 (and
soon-ish, given the RT feed is about to be switched off in a few weeks
too)? Currently that'll leave us with just the new SD_JSON grabber
(which from what i've seen isn't as thorough as the rt or Atlas
sources - they can't be using Press Association data, that's for sure...