Post by Robert EdenMetaBroadcast provides paid APIs for developers. A free trial is
possible for up to 10 users and up to 3 months. Our APIs are not a
good fit for those who wish to download data for personal use, eg for
an eyeTV, MythTV or other similar devices. Indeed, this use has been
specifically forbidden in our API terms for more than two years.
Wow... most XMLTV users have been forbidden by the terms for two
years??? Anyone notice that? Atlas could avoided a while lot of hassle
by letting us know!
It is difficult to comprehend that there has been no mention of this
until recently, and that explicit mention of "incompatible" PVR
software has only *just* been mentioned.
I don't understand either how it's *more* efficient to continually
poll the Atlas service every time you need data, rather than once a
day early in the morning.
All power to Schedules Direct for providing a service that end-users
actually want and for making it affordable.
Once someone has written a listings app, I'm having trouble grokking
the wider appeal of the "valid" use case of only accessing what's on
currently (or in 2 hour blocks), or the lack of cached endpoints that
can provide a day's listings without affecting the QoS of their
The soon-to-be-retired Radio Times data service has performed almost
flawlessly since I started using it in 2004. But as with all things
that *just work*, they have to be replaced...
MB are not interested in paying subscribers for a continuation of the
RT service either. Currently a single XMLTV user must pay £1,200/year
(after the initial 3 month trial) for continued access to the Atlas
service under the new terms.
Artisan cake in London sure is expensive :)