[Xmltv-devel] new grabber (HR)
Josip Makarevic
2014-05-12 09:52:10 UTC
Hi guys,

I'm kinda new to this so forgive me if I'm doing something wrong.
I'm using xmltv and gonix source is just out of date and I had to do
something about it.
I've found this one http://mojtv.hr/xmltv/
The thing is that it uses ASP http://mojtv.hr/xmltv/service.ashx?kanal_id=
specific channel so I had to write my own xml file that
looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<tv source-data-url="http://mojtv.hr/xmltv/" source-info-name="Phazer XML
servis 4.5" source-info-url="http://mojtv.hr/xmltv/">
<channel id="1">
<channel id="2">

Then I had to put that xml somewhere where I can download it from and
modify the grabber (it's a copy of tv_grab_hr called tv_grab_hr_mojtv) and
here is the code:

< my $default_root_url = 'http://www.gonix.net/xmltv/channels.xml.gz';
my $default_root_url = 'http://www.nevermind.com/download/listing2.xml';
< grabber_name => "tv_grab_hr",
grabber_name => "tv_grab_hr_mojtv",
< description => "Croatia",
description => "Croatia-mojtv",
#t "YOMG: $url";
#t "YOMG: $channel_id";
< UnixDate( $date, "%Y-%m-%d" ) . "." );
UnixDate( $date, "%d.%m.%Y" ) . "." );
< # All data fetched ok.
# All data fetched ok.ž1
< my $url = $rooturl . $channel_id . "_" . UnixDate( $date, "%Y-%m-%d"
) .
< ".xml.gz";
# my $url = $rooturl . $channel_id . "_" . UnixDate( $date, "%d.%m.%Y"
) .
# ".";
my $url = $rooturl . UnixDate( $date, "%d.%m.%Y" ) . "." ;
#print $url;
So what I was hoping that someone, who is better devel than I am, will take
a look into it and maybe find a way to make it even better. But this semi
automatic version is working well for me.

Thanks, and If someone needs some help feel free to ask.

Best regards,
2014-05-19 10:17:20 UTC
On Mon, 12 May 2014 11:52:10 +0200, Josip Makarevic wrote:
[snip info on proposed data source http://mojtv.hr/xmltv/ ]


Thanks for the info. I've had a look at this and it's not practical to write an automatic grabber for this site at the moment.

The XMLTV data for the tv guide looks ok :-) but I couldn't find an XML list of all the channels. All they seem to have is the html on the front page ( http://mojtv.hr/xmltv/ ). Normally this wouldn't be a problem to parse out the channel ids but unfortunately the channel ids *inside* the xmltv files do not match this html.

E.g. the front page lists
id= 247 name= 24Kitchen

but the xmltv file says
id= 24kitch.eu name= 24Kitchen

There is no way to get from 247 (which is needed to get the xmltv data file) to 24kitch.eu (which is needed by "--list-channels") without reading each and every xmltv file. (Or maintaining the data manually, but that becomes a chore!)

If they could provide an XMLTV file listing all the channel ids (like http://www.gonix.net/xmltv/channels.xml.gz does) and including a cross-reference between xmltv id ("24kitch.eu") and url id ("247") then it would be simple to write a grabber for this site.

Perhaps you would like to contact the site and ask if they would provide a suitable channels.xml file?

Josip Makarevic
2014-05-19 11:40:41 UTC

Yes, it's a shame that they don't have list of all channels in xml.gz
format. I can give you mine, that I generated "manually" if that helps.
I'll see if I can write some helper script that can generate xml file from
I'll write them an email regarding full channel list.

Post by h***@gmail.com
[snip info on proposed data source http://mojtv.hr/xmltv/ ]
Thanks for the info. I've had a look at this and it's not practical to
write an automatic grabber for this site at the moment.
The XMLTV data for the tv guide looks ok :-) but I couldn't find an XML
list of all the channels. All they seem to have is the html on the front
page ( http://mojtv.hr/xmltv/ ). Normally this wouldn't be a problem to
parse out the channel ids but unfortunately the channel ids *inside* the
xmltv files do not match this html.
E.g. the front page lists
id= 247 name= 24Kitchen
but the xmltv file says
id= 24kitch.eu name= 24Kitchen
There is no way to get from 247 (which is needed to get the xmltv data
file) to 24kitch.eu (which is needed by "--list-channels") without
reading each and every xmltv file. (Or maintaining the data manually, but
that becomes a chore!)
If they could provide an XMLTV file listing all the channel ids (like
http://www.gonix.net/xmltv/channels.xml.gz does) and including a
cross-reference between xmltv id ("24kitch.eu") and url id ("247") then
it would be simple to write a grabber for this site.
Perhaps you would like to contact the site and ask if they would provide a
suitable channels.xml file?
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xmltv-devel mailing list
2014-05-21 06:53:08 UTC
Post by Josip Makarevic
I'll write them an email regarding full channel list.
Cool. Let me know how you get on. It would be good if they can provide a channels xml file and cross-reference between the station id and channel id, but if they won't play then we'll find another way of doing it.

