Post by piratebabThe actual tv_grab_fr use the "télépoche" web page. This site changes
very often the page arrangement (sometimes every month), and the grabber
need to be adapted after every télépoche change.
This grabber is not working at all now (no information on any channel).
What I was trying to say is that we run an automated daily test on all
grabbers and tv_grab_fr has been going without error the last ~30 days.
I have tested it myself yesterday and got good data for the configured
test channel. That's what made me wonder. (But it is slow as hell)
See http://wiki.xmltv.org/index.php/XmltvValidation#test_grabbers on
how to validate a grabber. Links to the results of the daily runs are
in the menu on the left.
Post by piratebabTelerama is providing much reliable information. Our mythtv-fr
member, Zubrick, have adapted the tv_fr grabber for this program
The licence of telerama information is clear for a personal use of
I have taken the new grabber for a test run with the same configuration
(just TF1), it did validate and return some data. So if you would like
to replace _fr with _fr_telerama that's perfectly ok.
There is one major and some minor issues which can be fixed once the
script is imported (but should be taken care of before the next
* The major issue is not using the normal XMLTV user agent but
making up some Telerama App agent for some reason. After changing
the script back to use our implementation get_nice it stopped
* The script has it's own implementation of get_nice, which should
be changed back to the main get_nice.
* Unicode::MapUTF8 gets used, which adds a new dependency. This should
be changed to use Encode
* The description is just "France", I suggest something different from
the current grabber for easier support, like "France (Telerama)"
* What is with the channel logos? They seem to be referred by the
output. (can be downloaded at http://www.number6.ch/tools/ )
* the source-info-url should point at some page with content
And here are some suggestions on possible improvements.
* I don't see program types being returned with the categories. As
you are using MythTV it might be worth to add them.
(e.g. <category lang="en">series</category> for tv series)