[Xmltv-devel] Question about tv_grab_fr on HEAD
2014-08-26 16:20:57 UTC
Hi, i'm on 5.65 and this grabber would not work.

So I replace with the file from this commit:


But now says

getting channel lists: ########Can't call method "look_down" on an
undefined value at /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_fr line 1096, <STDIN> line

So either I have something still missing, or the grabber still does
not work on HEAD at the moment.

Unfortunately the CVS viewer is not showing me changes for other files
in this same commit. Not button / URL can find. Any help please?

Or should I just forget about this grabber and use "tv_grab_fr_kazer"
instead? Since the _kazer one seems to work OK.
Many thanks.
2014-08-26 16:54:49 UTC
Post by Dreamcat4
Hi, i'm on 5.65 and this grabber would not work.
Looks like the website has changed. I'll try and take a look tomorrow.
2014-08-27 09:43:19 UTC
Post by Dreamcat4
Hi, i'm on 5.65 and this grabber would not work.
But now says
getting channel lists: ########Can't call method "look_down" on an
undefined value at /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_fr line 1096, <STDIN> line
Seems the problem is as described in the CVS comment for rev 1.98

server returns blank page
(note: site is broken in as much as it returns a blank page but with http code 200 and cache-control max-age=1800,
site also seems to ignore max-age=0 requests so it's impossible to override this!)

Nothing can be done about this (it's a website fault) but I've improved the error handling during --configure so it will ignore the failed channel and continue. So at least you can get *something* ! (rev. 1.99)

The cached page is recreated by the server every 300 seconds so if you try again after that time you might subsequently be able to retrieve the failed page correctly.