[Xmltv-devel] CVS back up
Nick Morrott
2011-02-11 01:37:15 UTC
CVS support for the XMLTV project is now back online, with the caveat
that the automated emails to the xmltv-commits list are not yet

I have also just successfully updated and also committed to grab/uk_rt
with no apparent issues.

Nick Morrott

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"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin
Robert Eden
2011-02-11 03:20:40 UTC
Post by Nick Morrott
CVS support for the XMLTV project is now back online, with the caveat
that the automated emails to the xmltv-commits list are not yet
I have also just successfully updated and also committed to grab/uk_rt
with no apparent issues.
yea! Now GIT discussions can continue w/o a gun to our backs.
daniel bittel
2011-02-11 10:15:13 UTC
i just tried to commit a change to the ch_search-grabber and get the
following error when i try to log in

"cvs login: authorization failed: server xmltv.cvs.sourceforge.net
rejected access to /cvsroot/xmltv for user betlit"

i assumed the sourceforge-account-pwd (recently changed because
you-know-why) and the pwd of the cvs user are kept in sync...?
Post by Robert Eden
Post by Nick Morrott
CVS support for the XMLTV project is now back online, with the caveat
that the automated emails to the xmltv-commits list are not yet
I have also just successfully updated and also committed to grab/uk_rt
with no apparent issues.
yea! Now GIT discussions can continue w/o a gun to our backs.
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xmltv-devel mailing list
Robert Eden
2011-02-14 06:07:05 UTC
i just tried to commit a change to the ch_search-grabber and get the following error when i try to log in
"cvs login: authorization failed: server xmltv.cvs.sourceforge.net rejected access to /cvsroot/xmltv for user betlit"
i assumed the sourceforge-account-pwd (recently changed because you-know-why) and the pwd of the cvs user are kept in sync...?
I would assume too.. I use keys so haven't noticed. I suggest you contact Sourceforge via their IRC channel.


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