[Xmltv-devel] grab_eu_epgdata: Adding more channels
Carsten Aulbert
2010-07-12 10:27:48 UTC

as the default configuration of tv_grab_eu_epgdata contains a lot of channels
with numbers only I asked epgdata.com what these numbers might mean and got a
current complete list (attached).

Is someone interested in joining this for the next release or shall I do it
(and send the patch here)? For the latter I'd like to learn how you would like
the stuff? Shall I try to get all channels to extract the channel id and put
those into the file or is there a script to do so?


Carsten Aulbert
2010-07-15 11:33:02 UTC
Ping, everyone on holiday or is this not interesting enough.
Post by Carsten Aulbert
as the default configuration of tv_grab_eu_epgdata contains a lot of
channels with numbers only I asked epgdata.com what these numbers might
mean and got a current complete list (attached).
Is someone interested in joining this for the next release or shall I do it
(and send the patch here)? For the latter I'd like to learn how you would
like the stuff? Shall I try to get all channels to extract the channel id
and put those into the file or is there a script to do so?
Cheers Carsten
Robert Eden
2010-07-15 14:38:09 UTC
Post by Carsten Aulbert
Ping, everyone on holiday or is this not interesting enough.
Post by Carsten Aulbert
as the default configuration of tv_grab_eu_epgdata contains a lot of
channels with numbers only I asked epgdata.com what these numbers might
mean and got a current complete list (attached).
Is someone interested in joining this for the next release or shall I do it
(and send the patch here)? For the latter I'd like to learn how you would
like the stuff? Shall I try to get all channels to extract the channel id
and put those into the file or is there a script to do so?
Well, the message was mainly to the maintainer of tv_grab_eu_epgdata who
may not have noticed it. The vast majority of devs only use a single
grabber. You're doing the right thing pinging the group when you don't
get a response.

I suggest you submit your patch, and if the maintainer doesn't respond
ask for someone else to accept it. ( We try and let the maintainer of a
grabber make the decisions for that grabber)

Robert Eden
2010-07-30 22:00:32 UTC
New channel with ID 659 found. Please update chann
el_ids file! at /usr/bin/tv_grab_eu_epgdata line 581.
New channel with ID 660 found. Please update chann
el_ids file! at /usr/bin/tv_grab_eu_epgdata line 581.
<tv generator-info-name="tv_grab_eu_epgdata">
<channel id="659">
<channel id="660">
<display-name>Servus TV</display-name>
<channel id="ard.de">
<display-name>Das Erste</display-name>
thus I "deduce" that the id should be on the right hand side of the semicolon
and the numerical "internal" ID of epgdata.com on the left hand side.
However, that would mean a line like 660;660 or 659;659 should do the trick,
however, putting this into channel_ids does not help.
Any idea how to solve this problem?
If the epgdata folks changed the format for the channel id, that's their
right. I would pass it on as is. Hopefully they'll see your post (or
mine) and fix it to be more consistent.

Michael Haas
2010-08-01 14:05:35 UTC
Post by Carsten Aulbert
as the default configuration of tv_grab_eu_epgdata contains a lot of channels
with numbers only I asked epgdata.com what these numbers might mean and got a
current complete list (attached).
Is someone interested in joining this for the next release or shall I do it
(and send the patch here)? For the latter I'd like to learn how you would like
the stuff? Shall I try to get all channels to extract the channel id and put
those into the file or is there a script to do so?
Thanks for the list. I just added some ids, starting from the bottom of
the list up to 454.

Sorry for dropping off the earth for so long, but life kept me busy and
I do not actively use the grabber these days.

I currently do not have a working PIN, so it'd be nice if you, Carsten,
could test the new channel_ids :)


Carsten Aulbert
2010-08-01 18:35:10 UTC
Hi Michael,
Post by Michael Haas
Thanks for the list. I just added some ids, starting from the bottom of
the list up to 454.
Sorry for dropping off the earth for so long, but life kept me busy and
I do not actively use the grabber these days.
Tell me about it, not even during my vacation I had enough time to fix this
problem myself.
Post by Michael Haas
I currently do not have a working PIN, so it'd be nice if you, Carsten,
could test the new channel_ids :)
number of errors is way down:

New channel with ID 694 found. Please update chann
el_ids file! at /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_eu_epgdata line 581.
New channel with ID 152 found. Please update chann
el_ids file! at /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_eu_epgdata line 581.
New channel with ID 123 found. Please update chann
el_ids file! at /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_eu_epgdata line 581.
New channel with ID 154 found. Please update chann
el_ids file! at /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_eu_epgdata line 581.
New channel with ID 265 found. Please update chann
el_ids file! at /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_eu_epgdata line 581.
New channel with ID 297 found. Please update chann
el_ids file! at /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_eu_epgdata line 581.
New channel with ID 298 found. Please update chann
el_ids file! at /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_eu_epgdata line 581.
New channel with ID 452 found. Please update chann
el_ids file! at /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_eu_epgdata line 581.

Just pulled one day worth of data and it looks great!

Thanks for the quick fix


Martin Bene
2010-08-02 06:20:16 UTC

Another user of grab_eu_epgdata here; I'm currently seeing two issues:

* new/changed channels not yet present in channel_ids file.

Just a hint to those who want to add missing channels locally: the grabber defaults to getting the channel_ids file from the web and ignores local files. You have to set an environment variable to make it actually use a local file:
export XMLTV_SUPPLEMENT=/usr/share/xmltv/
will make the grabber use /usr/share/xmltv/tv_grab_eu_epgdata/channel_ids

* caching of downloaded files

I'm using the grabber with mythtv where I have three different video sources, all using the same grabber. This results in the same files being downloaded several times and breaks the epgdata.com download limit if I want to run the grabbers a second time. Also, caching of the epgdata_include.zip file breaks if removal of the temporary directories is activated. I've added caching for daily files, include files, channel group and expiry date in a separate directorty to avoid problems with the download limit. Let me know if a patch would be of inter
Carsten Aulbert
2010-08-02 06:44:00 UTC
Hi Martin,
Post by Martin Bene
Just a hint to those who want to add missing channels locally: the grabber
defaults to getting the channel_ids file from the web and ignores local
files. You have to set an environment variable to make it actually use a
local file: export XMLTV_SUPPLEMENT=/usr/share/xmltv/
will make the grabber use /usr/share/xmltv/tv_grab_eu_epgdata/channel_ids
Interesting, I changed only the local channels_ids from CVS yesterday it
seemed to have picked up this one automatically but I may have to cross-check
if the environment variable was set somewhere - at least not consciously by
Post by Martin Bene
* caching of downloaded files
I'm using the grabber with mythtv where I have three different video
sources, all using the same grabber. This results in the same files being
downloaded several times and breaks the epgdata.com download limit if I
want to run the grabbers a second time. Also, caching of the
epgdata_include.zip file breaks if removal of the temporary directories is
activated. I've added caching for daily files, include files, channel
group and expiry date in a separate directorty to avoid problems with the
download limit. Let me know if a patch would be of interest.
Very, I've got the same issue. Reducing the number of days and only getting
the files only for two sources seems to work though. But caching would be very
much appreciated as a proxy won't work here.


Martin Bene
2010-08-02 07:48:03 UTC
Post by Carsten Aulbert
Post by Martin Bene
download limit. Let me know if a patch would be of interest.
Very, I've got the same issue. Reducing the number of days and only getting
the files only for two sources seems to work though. But caching would be very
much appreciated as a proxy won't work here.
I've attached a patch - quality is "works for me", not really clean enough for inclusion. (security of cache directory, use of external tools find/xargs/cp/rm).

Bye, Martin
Carsten Aulbert
2010-08-02 08:29:36 UTC
Post by Martin Bene
I've attached a patch - quality is "works for me", not really clean enough
for inclusion. (security of cache directory, use of external tools
most of these you can probably get around by using standard perl modules like:

cp: File::Copy;
mkdir: File::Path;
find/xargs: File::Find;
rm: unlink


Michael Haas
2010-08-10 16:49:46 UTC
Post by Martin Bene
I've attached a patch - quality is "works for me", not really clean enough
for inclusion. (security of cache directory, use of external tools
I just added caching to the grabber. Will commit tomorrow. :)
