Josu Lazkano
2011-01-16 20:38:12 UTC
Hello list, I am trying to get working the old tv_grab_es_digital
grabber. It is from the spanish satellite provider (there is just one
provider) Digital+. I try laguiatv and miguiatv but there are not all
channels and the info is for one or two days.
I search some old code:
I am not any expert coding and parsing, I have some experience on
Java, C and bash script.
Is possible to upload this grabber to xmltv SVN? I will try to fix the
code, I am reading all the documentation on the wiki, I think that
with your help I can get it working.
I need some help on how to start, I think that the first step is to
fix the URL address, I found this:
There are all channels and all info needed (title, description,
time...) for more than 20 days.
Thanks for all your help and best regards.
grabber. It is from the spanish satellite provider (there is just one
provider) Digital+. I try laguiatv and miguiatv but there are not all
channels and the info is for one or two days.
I search some old code:
I am not any expert coding and parsing, I have some experience on
Java, C and bash script.
Is possible to upload this grabber to xmltv SVN? I will try to fix the
code, I am reading all the documentation on the wiki, I think that
with your help I can get it working.
I need some help on how to start, I think that the first step is to
fix the URL address, I found this:
There are all channels and all info needed (title, description,
time...) for more than 20 days.
Thanks for all your help and best regards.
Josu Lazkano
Josu Lazkano