[Xmltv-devel] Restart tv_grab_es_digital
Josu Lazkano
2011-01-16 20:38:12 UTC
Hello list, I am trying to get working the old tv_grab_es_digital
grabber. It is from the spanish satellite provider (there is just one
provider) Digital+. I try laguiatv and miguiatv but there are not all
channels and the info is for one or two days.

I search some old code:


I am not any expert coding and parsing, I have some experience on
Java, C and bash script.

Is possible to upload this grabber to xmltv SVN? I will try to fix the
code, I am reading all the documentation on the wiki, I think that
with your help I can get it working.

I need some help on how to start, I think that the first step is to
fix the URL address, I found this:

There are all channels and all info needed (title, description,
time...) for more than 20 days.

Thanks for all your help and best regards.
Josu Lazkano
Robert Eden
2011-01-17 03:08:36 UTC
Post by Josu Lazkano
Hello list, I am trying to get working the old tv_grab_es_digital
grabber. It is from the spanish satellite provider (there is just one
provider) Digital+. I try laguiatv and miguiatv but there are not all
channels and the info is for one or two days.
I am not any expert coding and parsing, I have some experience on
Java, C and bash script.
Is possible to upload this grabber to xmltv SVN? I will try to fix the
code, I am reading all the documentation on the wiki, I think that
with your help I can get it working.
I found it strange that the grabber was listed on Ed's site but isn't in the CVS repository (we don't use SVN). I searched the mailing list archives
) and it seems that the grabber was never added to CVS because no one was willing to be a maintainer. Those sources are probably a good starting
point.. probably better than the old posts.

If you're willing to be a maintainer, we can move forward..

First, check with the target web site and make sure they have nothing in their terms of use to prevent use of a scraper.
Second, we need a working grabber. (there should be some tips in the xmltv.org wiki, plus feel free to ask here :)
Third, submit it to the list for review, then we can add it (and you) to CVS.

Josu Lazkano
2011-01-17 14:49:38 UTC
I found it strange that the grabber was listed on Ed's site but isn't in the CVS repository (we don't use SVN).  I searched the mailing list archives
) and it seems that the grabber was never added to CVS because no one was willing to  be a maintainer.  Those sources are probably a good starting
point.. probably better than the old posts.
I search the last code of the grabber:
If you're willing to be a maintainer, we can move forward..
As I told you, I am not a code expert, but I will try to develop it. I
will need some help on it.
First, check with the target web site and make sure they have nothing in their terms of use to prevent use of a scraper.
OK, I check the website, there is links that has legal terms:

This is the important part:

Propiedad intelectual e industrial
DTS por sí o como cesionaria, es titular de todos los derechos de
propiedad intelectual e industrial de esta página web, así como de los
elementos contenidos en el mismo (a título enunciativo, imágenes,
sonido, audio, vídeo, software o textos; marcas o logotipos,
combinaciones de colores, estructura y diseño, selección de materiales
usados, programas de ordenador necesarios para su funcionamiento,
acceso y uso, etc...), propiedad de DTS o de terceros. El USUARIO se
compromete a respetar todos los derechos de Propiedad Intelectual e
Industrial de dicha página. Podrá visualizar los elementos de la
Página Web e incluso imprimirlos, copiarlos y almacenarlos en el disco
duro de su ordenador o en cualquier otro soporte físico siempre y
cuando sea, única y exclusivamente, para su uso personal y privado,
quedando, por tanto, terminantemente prohibida la transformación,
distribución, comunicación pública, puesta a disposición o cualquier
otra forma de explotación, así como su modificación, alteración o
descompilación. El USUARIO deberá abstenerse de suprimir, alterar,
eludir o manipular cualquier dispositivo de protección o sistema de
seguridad que estuviera instalado en la Página Web.

It says that the website info is just for personal and private use, we
can not redistribute and change nothing. Of course, the grabber just
download the info, so there is no problem. I am not law expert, meaybe
other people can understand the legal item.
Second, we need a working grabber. (there should be some tips in the xmltv.org wiki, plus feel free to ask here :)
I don't understand that point, the idea is to get a working grabber,
but there is not any working grabber yet, sorry, I am not native
english speaker/writer.
Third, submit it to the list for review, then we can add it (and you) to CVS.
I am registered on SF, where I must upload the code? How? Sorry for
all stupid question, this is the first time I upload a code on a CVS.
Thanks Robert for your help, as you can see I need some help with
this. I hope we can get a good grabber from Digital+.

Thanks for all and best regards.
Josu Lazkano
Robert Eden
2011-01-17 19:44:55 UTC
Post by Josu Lazkano
It says that the website info is just for personal and private use, we
can not redistribute and change nothing. Of course, the grabber just
download the info, so there is no problem. I am not law expert, meaybe
other people can understand the legal item.
That's pretty common and not a problem. Just make a note in the documentation.
Post by Josu Lazkano
Post by Robert Eden
Second, we need a working grabber. (there should be some tips in the xmltv.org wiki, plus feel free to ask here :)
I don't understand that point, the idea is to get a working grabber,
but there is not any working grabber yet, sorry, I am not native
english speaker/writer.
I simply mean we need a working version before it can go into CVS. If you're having trouble, feel free to post test versions to the list and ask for

Josu Lazkano
2011-01-17 20:29:53 UTC
2011/1/17 Robert Eden <***@gmail.com>:
I simply mean we need a working version before it can go into CVS.  If
you're having trouble, feel free to post test versions to the list and
ask for
Post by Robert Eden
Thanks again Robert, so I will post an other thread with the old code
and ask for help, first I will try to make some change on it.

Best regards.
Josu Lazkano