[Xmltv-devel] time for a new release with _ar and _fr_kazer?
Karl Dietz
2011-06-11 16:22:44 UTC

it's been some time since the last release and we have two more working
grabbers now.

_ar got fixed
_fr_kazer has got all the needed upstream fixes and imho is ready for
some wider exposure

@Chris: _in needs a kick again (User not subscribed for XMLTV)
@Robert: can you generate a new alpha.exe so the french windows users
have something to test with?

With regard to the other failing grabbers, is it time to remove some
from the build?

_na_dtv and _re had the last successful test run more then 6 months ago

Robert Eden
2011-06-11 18:42:35 UTC
Sounds good to me... how about we shoot for 6/19 to give everyone a week to be ready.

I've updated the alpha-exe and will look into the some of the other problems.

Post by Karl Dietz
it's been some time since the last release and we have two more working
grabbers now.
_ar got fixed
_fr_kazer has got all the needed upstream fixes and imho is ready for
some wider exposure
@Chris: _in needs a kick again (User not subscribed for XMLTV)
@Robert: can you generate a new alpha.exe so the french windows users
have something to test with?
With regard to the other failing grabbers, is it time to remove some
from the build?
_na_dtv and _re had the last successful test run more then 6 months ago
Nick Morrott
2011-06-12 14:22:41 UTC
Post by Robert Eden
Sounds good to me... how about we shoot for 6/19 to give everyone a week to be ready.
Sounds good to me. I'll try to start getting lineups stuff added once
this release is made - I'd love to have something concrete working for
the n+1 release.

Nick Morrott

MythTV Official wiki: http://mythtv.org/wiki/
MythTV users list archive: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users

"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin
Robert Eden
2011-06-18 07:15:47 UTC
A reminder: I'm planning on a 6/19 release... any objections, now would be the time!


Robert Eden
2011-06-12 04:44:13 UTC
When I run --configure I get a "day too big" and "sec too big" errors.

Karl has also mentioned that the grabber hasn't been "clean" in 6 months.

Anyone object to removing it from the Makefile?

Mariano Cosentino
2011-06-13 11:32:46 UTC
Post by Karl Dietz
it's been some time since the last release and we have two more working
grabbers now.
_ar got fixed
Yes, please, let's release this version before the provider decides to
redesign the site again :-)

Regards from Argentina, ... MarianoK
Chris Butler
2011-06-13 14:23:13 UTC
[resending to the list, as it seems to have got lost - sorry if you see a dupe]
Post by Karl Dietz
@Chris: _in needs a kick again (User not subscribed for XMLTV)

One thing that might be good to look at before release is a bug I received
via the Debian BTS the other day[1]. The _is grabber currently uses the
Switch.pm module, which provides a switch/case statement for perl. This
module has been removed from perl core in the latest 5.14 release, and
deprecated in favour of the native given/when syntax backported from Perl 6.

I've not had much chance to look at it yet (busy week of work & a weekend of
DIY!), but a few possible solutions come to mind:

• change to using the given/when syntax. I believe that Switch.pm can
provide a compatible interface for this, so could be loaded conditionally
for older perls without given/when.

• rewrite the code in question to use if/else blocks; it doesn't seem like a
particularly complex switch statement, so this may do…

• when 5.14 hits Debian, Switch will still be available as a separate
package, so I can depend on that if necessary. However, it *is* considered
deprecated so should be dropped at some point.

This isn't particularly urgent though, I don't think most users will be
using perl 5.14 for a while yet. It'll certainly be a few months yet before
it makes it into Debian's unstable repo.

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=629465