Karl Dietz
2012-07-11 13:24:33 UTC
Hi Jan,
every now and then someone asks why the EPGDATA grabber defaults to
only 5 days. (Usually in the context of MythTV only grabbing 5 days
instead of all available)
Can we raise that to default to "grab all days"?
That would be the correct way to do it, but its well hidden in the
wiki :-(
from http://wiki.xmltv.org/index.php/XmltvCapabilities#baseline
calls the grabber once without specifying --days and --offset.
(I remember some limit on the number of times you can request the data
each day)
btw, can we update the manpage and remove the part with "timezone are
not handled correctly" (was fixed) and also the part with "a day does
not start at midnight" (not a bug, many grabbers work like that)? (I can
remove/rewrite it if you like)
every now and then someone asks why the EPGDATA grabber defaults to
only 5 days. (Usually in the context of MythTV only grabbing 5 days
instead of all available)
Can we raise that to default to "grab all days"?
That would be the correct way to do it, but its well hidden in the
wiki :-(
from http://wiki.xmltv.org/index.php/XmltvCapabilities#baseline
The default number of days is 'as many as possible'.
The root cause is that MythTV uses the "allatonce" capability and justcalls the grabber once without specifying --days and --offset.
(I remember some limit on the number of times you can request the data
each day)
btw, can we update the manpage and remove the part with "timezone are
not handled correctly" (was fixed) and also the part with "a day does
not start at midnight" (not a bug, many grabbers work like that)? (I can
remove/rewrite it if you like)