Robert Eden
2016-05-21 06:22:48 UTC
Howdy all..
This discussion started on the users' list, but probably should be here.
What do folks think is a proper name for a SD-JSON grabber since it
covers so many countries?
In the thread with Gary's grabber, when I suggested moving away from NA
he suggested an invalid country code, like tv_grab_zz_sdjson.
When we initially started talking about Kevin's grabber, it started
using tv_grab_sd_json. Gary correctly points out it's not in Sudan.
Kevin's grabber hasn't hit a distribution yet, so I guess it could be
renamed (even though there's a lot of chatter about it on the MythTV
list). It probably makes sense for both grabbers to be named similarly.
This discussion started on the users' list, but probably should be here.
What do folks think is a proper name for a SD-JSON grabber since it
covers so many countries?
In the thread with Gary's grabber, when I suggested moving away from NA
he suggested an invalid country code, like tv_grab_zz_sdjson.
When we initially started talking about Kevin's grabber, it started
using tv_grab_sd_json. Gary correctly points out it's not in Sudan.
Kevin's grabber hasn't hit a distribution yet, so I guess it could be
renamed (even though there's a lot of chatter about it on the MythTV
list). It probably makes sense for both grabbers to be named similarly.