Karl Dietz
2015-06-20 13:09:45 UTC
+ # NOTE 2015-06-20
+ # It seems Metabroadcast have (unannounced) switched off the anonymous bbc.co.uk feed. This feed was used by the XMLTV nightly tester.
+ # The only way to get Atlas data now is via a personal API key. This means the nightly automated tester will report failure although
+ # this grabber is working no problem.
my $_version = '$Id$';
I get to differ. It was announced for January 15th, that was five month+ # It seems Metabroadcast have (unannounced) switched off the anonymous bbc.co.uk feed. This feed was used by the XMLTV nightly tester.
+ # The only way to get Atlas data now is via a personal API key. This means the nightly automated tester will report failure although
+ # this grabber is working no problem.
my $_version = '$Id$';
On May 13th 2014 Mirona wrote "Going forward, everyone will need an API
key to use Atlas.". With an ETA of late 2014 to early 2015.
Although the grabbers error message could be better.